
Book Whitney To Speak

I truly believe that the tragic events that happen to us in life aren’t just for us. 

Once we get to a place of peace and figure out how to deal with some type of adversity, I feel like it is our responsibility to share it. To show how we overcame obstacles, even seemingly impossible ones, to demonstrate to others how to survive (even thrive) after grief, trauma, and heartache.


After my husband’s death my life’s purpose and path became very clear. I had been through the fire and I felt called to show others that they too can endure unimaginable adversity, survive their darkest days and come through to the other side–more powerful, more resilient, and transformed in a way that only happens when you rise from the ashes.  

Being given the opportunity to speak to others about my life experience with grief and trauma and life in the aftermath is a calling. I am uniquely qualified and eager to speak to others about: 



Adversity (and overcoming it) 

Death and dying (also experiences in hospice) 

Caring for a sick family member and how to navigate the medical world 


If you feel I would be a good fit for your next event, I would love to start a dialogue. Email me today: whitneylallen12@gmail.com 

Book Whitney for Your Podcast

Interested in hosting me on your podcast? I'd love to know more about your podcast. Please fill out the form below and I will be in contact with you shortly.